We will be conducting our very first club meeting at UnWined and plan on having a Town Hall style of meeting to get input from others on the direction of the county and what we can do as a team to make it better for all of us. Our responsibility as citizens is to hire (elect) officials who will work in the manner in which we elected them for. Many time they pull the wool over our eyes and we need to do a better job of vetting Republicans to make sure they convey our conservative principals.
Meeting Info:
WHAT: Town Hall Style Meeting
WHERE: UnWined, 472 N Mauldin Ave, North East, Maryland 21901
WHEN: JAN 11th (WED) 6:PM - 8PM (first 30 minutes social)
WHY: Structured discussion on direction of the County and the Republican principals and how to make sure these prinicals are facilitated by our Republican leaders.
Future meetings will be the 2nd Thursday of each month!